Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back at home!

So I started my day yesterday excited and nervous at the same time, making sure I had everything packed and ready to go, counting down the minutes till it was time to leave.

My fears was missing a flight or something that might go wrong, and believe me when I say, when it's meant to happen, it will happen.

So I make it to the airport with plenty of time, get all checked in and start waiting...the waiting passes our check in time, and now we're running behind, flight is 30 minutes late, now I'm worried that I wont make my connection flight in Houston, considering that I ONLY have 15 minutes from original arriving time and check in the math...yup, that's 15 minutes late!

So I get a call from United telling me that since our flight is delayed, I might miss connection flight (my nightmare!!) and that my next flight would be Thursday in the morning...WTF!! Really?

So any ways, we make it to Houston, plane en-gates on terminal C, which I have to be in terminal E, ALL the way to the other side of the HUGE friggin airport! Thank God for hitting the treadmill! I run my butt all the way to gate E15 (since that's what my ticket shows), I get there and the flight on deck shows Ontario! Damn! I missed my flight, so just for shits and giggles I ask the attendant if the flight had left already, she checks and she's "well that flight is now on E1" which is a mile back! OMFG!!! At this point my treadmill routine is exhausted! I need air, water, a new lung!! (Damn smoking!)

So I run, crawl my butt back to the other gate, I get there and there's another flight on the board...I missed it! Nope...thank God flight is also delayed, and still there, so I made it!!! But it's not quite yet over!

So I finally make it in to Merida, late of course, I look for my car rental company and no where to be found, and all other rentals are closed, once again luck on my side (or God on my side) the van for the rental pulls in, and they take me to the rental location, it's humid as heck here in Merida, I get there and guess car is not available, so now I have to wait till tomorrow (Thursday) to get my car.

So here we are today, a new day and looking good, so this ends my Wednesday, an adventure in its own...

Stay tuned for today...

1 comment:

  1. wow!! veo las fotos de Merida y me trae recuerdos de todas las cosas lindas k vivi ahi en mi niñez.. No sabes la emocion k me da estar ahi nuevamente... a tan solo 24 dias!!! y contando. gracias x compartirlas.
