Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mayapan, to Reunion...

So today (Friday) was to be the day I visited the Mayan city of Mayapan...well, with GPS on hand and very sure of myself I took off first thing in the morning, well to make this story a short one...this is all I saw, on my way there and on my way back... Moral of this story, is never trust a GPS you bring from the US in a country with uncharted roads or brand new roads, cause all it will do is loose the heck out of you. So yes, I got lost, my GPS showed me Mayapan was like 115 miles from my place, so here I drive all that, as I'm getting "closer" I keep asking the locals if the ruins are close by, and they all keep saying "oh yes, just further ahead"...well I get further ahead and get to the end of my GPS map, and guess what? Yup, you guessed it, there are no ruins! Turns out my GPS took me to the municipality of Mayapan which happens to be "only" 90 miles further away, I was livid to say the least, so I turn around thinking I'll just catch it on the way back...and yes, right again! I missed it on my way back, so just called it a day and went back to the room to rest considering I had my class reunion later that night.

Reencuentro Generacion 84-87

So the day and time has come to meet up with my friends from 25 years ago, this being the first time we see each other in such a large gathering in the same amount of time, some have married, some divorced, some widowed and some have stayed single, but we've all changed, be it for the better or worse, but one thing is for sure...the bond we created 25 years ago, continues to this day, and I'm proud to call this group of people my friends!

Dos de mis grandes amigos de la Secundaria, Renan Ernesto y Manuel Lara. 

Renan...eramos como uña y carne, inseparables!  nuestro compañero David Gamboa

Las chicas de nuestro grupo, algunas de ellas estaban irreconocibles!! Mi amiga Diana me dejo anonadado!! 

Las chicas tan bellas como siempre!  Que lindo es recordar viejas amistades y volver a convivir con ellos (as).

Los dos chambelanes originales de la amiga Astrid...como pasan los años!

El mejor grupo de amigos que uno puede tener, desde los cabezitas hasta los desmas del grupo A! 

Tan bella mi amiga Astrid, fue la ultima mujer que me saco a bailar y baile...para sus 15 años!

1 comment:

  1. Como recuerdo tu mala orientacion.. no confies tanto en la tecnologia jajaja..pero como dicen preguntando se llega a Roma.. y k buenos recuerdos Cesar la vdd! gran grupo de compañeros de secundaria.. y mira 2 mas k siguen una bonita amistad con altas y bajas pero buena amistad no lo crees asi? a distancia pero ahi estamos!!
