Sunday, July 29, 2012

Caverns of Loltún (Rock Flower)

Well I think I've come to an end to an amazing archaeological trip, I went from as high of the pyramids, to the lowest of Xibalba (the underworld). So my closing blog will be once I'm back home, so let me give you a few tidbits on these caverns or known as "Grutas de Loltún".

For starters let me explain the word Lol-Tún, Lol means Flower and Tún means rock, so it's the "Rock Flower", they gave this name because there are multiple flower art pieces through out the cavern, some of those areas were currently inaccessible, but believe me, there was so much to see, it was mesmerizing!

We entered a cavern that had a couple of columns of Stalactites, this cavern was known as Loltún cavern, because these 2 columns had a special effect, when you tapped them, they would make a resonance sound both very different and distinguished, when you hit the first one, it had that sound that the word "Lol" sounds as, and the second one made the deep sound of "Tún", it was very amazing!   It was said, that back in the days that this cavern was inhabited, young women would approach the columns and they would only sound if the women were still virgins.  You'll see some pictures down below.

Also, at the entrance of this cavern, there is a carved mural depicting a warrior, who is know as the Loltún Warrior, God of Xibalba or the Underworld, by looking at the images through out, and the head statue at the entrance of the cavern called "The Cathedral", you can tell that these were some of the old ancestors known as Olmecas.

Well this place surely gave me a lasting memory, jajajaja, I slipped my ass on the slipper clay surface and ate it! Good thing I didn't crack my phone or damaged my camera, but my toes are a different story, I either broke my middle finger on my right foot or just sprained it, thinking more of the later as I can move it and its just slightly sore now, nothing that some icing couldn't help and some well deserved rest.

Now the drive to this place...I will say this was the time that I was truly sketched out, it's a long drive to the caverns, and there are barely any signs directing you to the zone, my GPS is more like a Great Pile of Shit then anything, granted that these roads were as desolate as can be, the vegetation was covering half the road, and driving at high speeds on an empty road, until you encounter canyon type pot holes! Then you know you better slow your ass down, cause last thing I need is to get a blow out in the middle of God knows where!

But to my luck, I got there in one shot, as I said before, I'm pretty damn good at getting to sites, but I suck at driving within the inner city.

Well my friends, please enjoy the pics, if I can I will add a video as well, but if you're my friend, you can see the videos I already uploaded on Facebook, if not, feel free to send me a request and I'll be more then glad to add you in.

Well another adventure down, lets see if there is anymore or not, in the mean time, enjoy.

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