Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 1 in Merida

So today my first full day in Merida started. Got up at 5:30 in the morning (US time) and started by heading out and exchanging some money so I can go treat myself to breakfast, the typical Cochinita Pibil, which is a pork roasted in the ground wrapped in banana leaves, delicious to say the least, allow me to share:

This right here is a succulent Torta de Cochinita, which is a fresh warm toasty bread filled with pulled pork and some crispy skin with some red onions and some diced habanero, followed with a nice COLD Coke (In your name Enrique!)

Right after a couple of tortas, I followed it with some rolled tacos de Cochinita as well, and some super good tortillas, and I downed this with some delicious Merida Horchata! Man, what a breakfast!! I think I can used to this again!

After having breakfast, I decided to walk around el Centro (downtown square) since I still have not gotten my car I reserved. It's only 91° today, but humidity is at 60%, so I am soaked! It's almost as bad as when I went to Louisiana! Good thing is that there is a great breeze in the city, so it's bearable so far.

I got to meet up with one of my best friends from high school (Renan Trejo), one of the main reasons I'm visiting is cause it's our class room 25th year anniversary since we graduated, so seeing him for the first time in 25 years was great, unfortunately he was in a rush since he was working, so we only got to chit chat for a bit, but luckily we'll all be able to catch up tomorrow when our reunion takes place.

Tonight, once I get my car, I'm planning in visiting my Godparents, they have no clue I'm in town so it will be a great surprise to them (here in Mexico they say "despues de padres, padrinos"/"after parents, Godparents"), so they mean a lot to me, I'm excited and looking forward to meet up with them.

Well so far my plans haven't gone as expected, I'm one archaeological site late as today I was supposed to have visited Mayapan, so I will have to play a little catch up tomorrow and hopefully my plans remain on track.

I still need to go back to the airline and see if I can change my flight back, so much to do and so little time to do it, so many people to see and visit, but if only I had known I was going to quit my job when I booked my flight, I would have done it for a much longer stay; well what can you do but try and make the best of it for now.

One of the places I visited today, was the Cathedral of Merida, this is the oldest Cathedral built in the american continent, and still operational. It was built between 1562-1598, the Cathedral was erected at the request of King Phillps II, its architectural style is Moorish, towers and interiors, and the facade is Renaissance. It has Baroque altarpieces, keeping with its walls, memories of historical events and legends, a must see if you ever visit Merida.


  1. Weird how the cochinita doesn't look know with the achiote..almost looks like a "healthy version"...I said almost..

  2. Gracias por compartir tu viaje...sabes que amo Merida!! y todo lo que significa esta ciudad.. son muy buenos recuerdos y las mejores cosas que pase de mi niñez ahi fue mi formacion..y bueno la comida que te digo me encanta...
